Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why We Don’t Value Our Health?

Taking care of your health is not an indulgence, its respecting yourself, others and God. When you don’t take care of your health, you can end up sick and debilitated while putting a burden on others who must take care of you.

Throughout my coaching practice I have come to discover several reasons why people don’t value themselves as they should. My passion as a coach is to educate and help people to grasp how valuable they are in hopes they will invest some time in their health so as to lead the life God has intended for them.

Here are some reasons we don’t invest time or money to take care of ourselves:

1. Lack of knowledge - Many people don’t realize how foods impact their body. They have never had any education on nutrition. They rely on fast food and prepackaged meals that have no or very little nutritional value. Their lives are so hectic; they don’t take time to eat sensibly. Once they can understand how easy and affordable it is to eat healthy many adjust their eating habits.

2. We have a distorted image of how we are to look – We have been inundated with media telling us how we should look, but on the other hand, obesity is so prevalent -it’s almost the norm!

3. We don’t recognize the importance of exercise – Being too busy to exercise is one of the common excuses I hear from my clients. Exercise is essential to our overall well-being. Here are just a few of the benefits: stress reliever, improves moods, and boosts energy, plus many more! Exercise needs to be a priority in your life so that you can accomplish the things that are important.

4. We don’t enjoy our lives – I am dismayed by a number of my clients that fall into this category. They are so busy; they cut everything they enjoy out of their lives. God never intended our lives to be mundane and stressful. Once you can learn the impact stress has on your physical and emotional well –being, you can begin to understand what a crime against yourself this is. Life is too short not to be enjoyed!

5. Some have become addicted to selflessness – Yes, it’s important to help others and it should be a major part of your life, but not to the extent of ignoring your basic needs. For some, the only thing that gives them meaning is doing for others. Everything in life must have a balance or something breaks down and often it’s us.

There are several other reasons why we don’t take care of ourselves so make sure you read my next article. Above all, value your life – it’s the greatest gift you will ever receive!

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