Thursday, December 15, 2011

Obstacles to valuing your health

In my last article, I listed several reasons why we don’t value our health or for that matter our lives. My hope in this article is to cause you to think about how valuable you are. My number one frustration as a coach is that my clients don’t take their health seriously until it’s too late and they have a major illness or disease.

Here are some more reasons we don’t invest time or money to take care of ourselves:

• Lack of a support system. If you don’t have others in your life that will support you, it is very difficult to develop a healthy lifestyle. Many times my clients sabotage themselves or allow others to sabotage them. They start off excited and ready to make a change and then someone plants a seed of doubt in them, and because they don’t value themselves, they give up.

When having the accountability and encouragement of a coach and good social network a person is twice as likely to succeed. This is why my groups are more successful than one on one coaching clients. It’s very important to position others in your life that have a positive outlook and want to help you succeed.

• Lack of commitment. One thing I always say before my client begins my TLS Weight Loss class is “Are you ready and committed to making a change?” If they hesitate, I encourage them to really think about how important their health is to them. Many want to be healthy but are not willing to make the necessary changes it takes to become healthier. If this is the case, I recommend they wait until they are ready.

• Lack of willpower. Willpower can be a great thing if you have it but the problem comes when you begin to Reason. For example, Reason can talk you out of going for your morning jog when it’s cold and gloomy out. “Your right, it says, it’s too yucky to jog.”

I’m sure you have found that when you really don’t want to do something, you can talk yourself out of it! Willpower and discipline are critically important for a successful life, but willpower alone is not usually enough to bring you across the finish line. Drawing your strength from God can help you do all things.

Finally, valuing your life and investing in yourself is vital to become happy and healthy. My hope is that you will realize how valuable you are!

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