Sunday, September 4, 2011

Have You Taken a Reality Check on Your Health Lately?

How many times have you told yourself it’s time for me to start eating healthier and exercising? So many people talk about making a change but when the reality sets in on how much work it is they give up. They prefer to keep living their lives just as they are, even though they feel tired, stressed and out of shape.

These questions may help you make an honest reality check:

1. Do you believe once you reach a certain size or weight, you’ll be happy?

Have you said to yourself, “Once I reach a certain weight I’ll be happy.” If so, what happens if you never reach that goal weight? Are you therefore, never happy? Or, if you do reach that magical weight, but then realize this has nothing to do with your happiness.

Many people don’t understand that the weight is only a symptom of the underlying problem. However, if you work on the true issue, you’ll be happier and much more likely to care for yourself so that your unhealthy lifestyle is no longer a concern.

2. Do you look for a shortcut or an easier approach to achieve what you want? It takes dedication, commitment, and perseverance to accomplish what is worthwhile. Hard work is necessary to accomplish anything that is vitally significant in your life. First, you need to determine why you want to accomplish a healthier lifestyle. Don’t take the easy way out! Although, it’s tempting when hard work is involved, it will be worth the effort!

3. Do you frequently use excuses to get yourself out of doing what it takes to achieve your goals? So many people just want to talk about making changes but when it comes down to doing the hard work, they prefer to offer excuses as to why they continue to live as they are. Don’t be a victim to your excuses! If you are making excuses you are not ready to make a serious change in your life.

4. Do you consider giving up when you experience minor setbacks?

Everyone experiences struggles, but don’t allow them to prevent you from pressing through. The best way to look at setbacks is to see them as challenges and a part of your progress. If you overcome them, and reach your goals despite of them, your ultimate sense of accomplishment will be much greater than if it was an effortless task.

In conclusion, if you are living an unhealthy lifestyle, be honest with yourself about what you need to do to make changes. Don’t be afraid of making the commitment to change, and don’t just talk about it - do it!

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