Thursday, September 15, 2011

Changing the Inside Out

I have been very impressed with one of my client’s lifestyle transition and how it’s not only changed her life but her two young girls as well. Not only has she changed her eating habits, she has been determined to break the obesity cycle and teach her children how to eat healthier, exercise and take care of themselves.

When I asked Margaret if it was ok to use her testimony, she was very excited because her passion is to help others overcome the obesity cycle and live life to the fullest.

Here is what Margaret shared with me:

I have lost 155 pounds and I have people ask me all of the time how I did it. Most assume that I had the stomach surgery; some think that I have discovered some magic potion that will help them too. The answer is not magic and it is not without change. Changing starts on the inside and then the outside starts to show the progress. It is a decision that you make with yourself and God to take care of your body.

If I had a nickel for every time that someone said to me “I would do ANYTHING to lose this extra 10 lbs”, I would be rich. But when given the opportunity, you find that the statement “anything” has lots of strings attached. “I won’t eat vegetables” or “I can’t survive without my chocolate”. Before you know it, there isn’t much that most people will change.

I died slowly for years convincing myself that my diet was “not so bad”. I had a major wakeup call that caused my thinking to change. I made the decision to start taking care of myself. I decided to love and nurture my body and get the most out of life. I started working with Coach Irene Greiner on Transitions Lifestyle this year because she had the tools that I needed. She works with a plan that helped me to understand what my body needs and what things I should avoid and why I should follow that pattern. Now I design what I put in my mouth to give myself the best nutrition possible and I feel wonderful today!

I took my girls roller skating yesterday and I skated right along with them. My resting days are over. Someday when I am called home I hope that instead of saying “She just didn’t take care of herself”, they will say that I turned my family’s life around. I am so glad that I stopped giving excuses to cover my lifestyle and decided to transition to a new life entirely with much prayer and much dedication.

Margaret has been an inspiration to so many because of her hard work, commitment and perseverance! I hope you also will be inspired to “Transition into a healthier lifestyle too!”

1 comment:

  1. Wow Irene, what a wonderful testament to YOU living and sharing your passions. Awesome and congrats to you Margaret...for listening to your inner voice and taking a stand. For you. For your girls. For all, for what you do ripples 'round the world. Muah. MamaRed
