Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy Living as a Deterrent to Hearing Loss

Note: This is an article from a fellow blogger- John O'Connor

It used to be that many people assumed that little could be done to prevent hearing loss.  They believed that hearing loss was inevitable as they grew older and that their everyday lifestyles contributed nothing toward losing the ability to hear.  However, doctors today argue that a person's lifestyle directly influences how well that person can hear as he or she grows older.  Certain habits can be discarded or altered if people want to protect their sense of hearing.  

In fact, loud noises continue to be the greatest risk to one's hearing.  People who work in noisy conditions or listen to loud music compromise their ability to hear well.  Frequent exposure to loud noises damages a person's eardrums and sometimes causes it to rupture.  For that reason, doctors urge people to limit their exposure to such noises or wear ear plugs if they work in noisy environments.

Likewise, people can take preventative measures to protect their hearing by eating a healthy diet.  Diabetes has been identified as one of the conditions that contribute to hearing loss.  In fact, many diabetics report that they no longer hear as well as they did before they developed this condition.  While many people are not aware of the link between diet and hearing loss, doctors note that people who eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and avoid gaining too much weight overtime often hear better and keep their sense of hearing longer.

Moreover, people who smoke also put themselves at risk for losing their ability to hear well as they grow older.  More than 70% of smokers report hearing loss, leading doctors to believe that smoking has a direct effect on people's inability to hear.  Even individuals who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke indicate a compromised hearing ability.  For that reason, physicians also encourage people to quit smoking if they value their sense of hearing.

Aside from watching one's diet, exercising, and avoiding cigarette use, many doctors recommend that people clean out their ears regularly.  This suggestion would appear to be common sense; however, some people do not think to remove excess wax from their ear canals and when doing so, remove wax in a harmful way.   Even so, periodically washing one's ears out with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide helps remove wax build up in the ear canals.  To ensure safety, visit your doctor to have wax properly removed from your ear canals.

If you feel you are beginning to lose your hearing, a trip to the audiologist could be very helpful.  An audiologist will be able to run certain tests to determine base line hearing levels.  With these results, they will be able to provide tips on how to further protect your hearing or in some cases recommend the use of a hearing aid to help better hearing.  Following the tips mentioned above and making healthy lifestyle changes not only will improve your health but also protect your hearing. 

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