Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Five Ways Exercise Can Lead To a Healthier Lifestyle

The next time you begin craving sweets or want to down half a pizza, go take a hike or a jog. Exercise, especially cardio exercise can help decrease your cravings. Here are five ways exercise can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle:

1.      In a recent study that was published by Appetite, people who took a brisk fifteen minute walk, cut their cravings for chocolate by 12%. Not only does it cut cravings for sweets, but it also can cause you to crave healthier foods. Why ruin a great workout by eating junk food!

2.      Lose the belly fat. A study in the journal Obesity found that just 80 minutes of cardio a week slows weight gain and even stopped participants from gaining visceral fat which is the dangerous kind inside the abdomen, and has been linked to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

3.      Exercise can diffuse nicotine cravings. Research shows that 10-15 minute aerobic sessions triggers changes in the brain which decreases cravings in smokers. Cardio exercise has also been found to decrease thoughts of smoking.

4.      Vigorous activity can help maintain healthy vision. It has also been discovered that people who ran 1.2 – 2.5 miles a day had a 19 percent lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, while those who ran more cut their chance by 42 to 54 percent, according to a study from Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. Cardio exercise may also decrease cataract risk.

5.      Exercise can decrease the risk of breast cancer. In study done by Medicine & Science Sports & Exercise it has been found that women who do moderate exercise for 2.5 hours a week or rigorous activity for 75 minutes a week decrease their chance of dying of breast cancer by a third.

Aerobic exercise and sweat also helps your body release toxins that are stored in fat. When toxins are built up in our body, we experience various health issues. Many people, who only do mild to moderate exercise, are not getting the benefits of a vigorous workout.

In conclusion, cardio exercise is important to maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Not only will you feel better and have more energy, you will also decrease your risk of several diseases, obesity and other health issues.

 So put on your sneakers and take a vigorous walk or run today.  Think of all the benefits of exercise; enjoy your heart pumping, your legs moving and your body sweating!  You may not feel good at first but you will be thankful you did! 

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