Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Are the Benefits of Antioxidants?

There is much in the news about the importance of antioxidants, and how they can not only boost your immune system but fight free radicals in the environment. Studies have shown they may reduce the risk of cancer causing agents, cardiovascular disease, aging and much more.
So first of all what are antioxidants and how do they work? As you may know, every cell in your body needs oxygen to function normally. Sadly, the use of this oxygen produces harmful by-products called free radicals that come from environmental pollution, certain chemicals, chlorine in water, processed foods, food preservatives, smoking, and ionizing radiation. Also, recent studies have shown increased free radical activity following strenuous exercise.
Here are some diseases and antioxidant supplements that may protect against:
• Cardiovascular disease – Findings from some studies suggest that vitamin E, C, and selenium may reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing the LDL-cholesterol oxidation.
• Cancer – Studies have also shown that vitamins E, C and selenium and beta-carotene may protect against some cancers.
• Macular degeneration – Scientific studies report that a daily mix of antioxidants may slow macular degeneration in people who already have the disease. These include extra E, C, beta-carotene, and zinc.
My favorite antioxidant can help with joint pain, inflammation, allergies, healthy cholesterol levels, building up your immune system and more, it is called, OPC3. This powerful antioxidant has Pycnogenol which is derived from a maritime pine bark tree. Pine bark extract is an all natural combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and organic acids.
Resveratrol is also a potent antioxidant which contains red wine extract and wild blueberry. It maintains cell health and promotes normal cell cycle activity. It has been shown to have anti-aging benefits.
Of course, if you eat foods rich in antioxidants such as, organic blueberries, cranberries, cherries and dark leafy green vegetables, these will also help you fight free radicals. Unfortunately, you will not get all that you need from even organic fruits and vegetables because of the depleted nutrients in our soil and environmental pollution.
These are only some of the benefits of antioxidants. I suggest doing a search on the internet or talking to a doctor who has training on integrative medicine. Besides doing Transitions Lifestyle presentations, I also do health presentations on supplements. Contact me for more information.
My next Transitions Lifestyle overview will be April 7th at Spirit of Life Church, Martinsville. Please RSVP if you’d like to attend.

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