Monday, October 18, 2010

Unhealthy Eating Can Hurt Your Pocketbook

Unhealthy Eating Can Hurt Your Pocketbook

So many times I hear that eating healthy is expensive, but in fact, the opposite is true; not eating healthy foods such as, fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains can be pricey for your wallet and your health. Not to mention, your increased energy and overall well being will benefit!
Eating out, buying frozen or processed foods is also more expensive. Buying fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a Big Mac is not only healthier but cheaper. We live in a fast paced society which can lead to many health issues if we do not prepare meals ahead of time. This is something I teach in my weight-loss groups. Preparing your meals on weekends and freezing them not only saves money and time, but is also much better for you. Knowing your meal will be ready to pop in the oven or microwave when you get home can keep you from running through the drive through.
One thing that is very insightful to my clients is when I take them on a grocery store tour. They learn how to read labels and understand what types of things to look for they want and don’t want in their foods. For instance, the first ingredient you want to see in bread is “whole” whether it’s whole wheat or whole grains. The next thing they want in healthy bread is at least 5 grams of fiber, and 5 or less grams of sugar. Also, shopping the perimeters of the store is where most of your shopping should be done.
I teach things like, good fats vs. bad fats, grains and your health, stress & weight gain as well as, overcoming bad habits and modifying behavior. I encourage all my clients to journal their meals, snacks and thoughts throughout the day. This helps them keep track of their eating behaviors and habits.
I also hand out several recipes that are very tasty such as: Spaghetti Squash Lasagna, lentil stew, balsamic chicken and awesome oatmeal, blueberry pancakes! Many of my clients never realized healthy cooking could be so good!
I look forward to hearing from you!

Irene Greiner, Certified Lifestyle Coach

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